St Vitus Builders
Help us get a church for the Latin Mass parish in Los Angeles!
St. Vitus Parish is the home of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. We provide all the sacraments and a full parish life based on the Traditional Latin Mass.
Established in 2018, we have quickly outgrown our small church and must celebrate all our Masses outside in a large tent. We urgently need to raise funds to purchase a larger church.
Please consider making a pledge!
The St. Vitus Coin
Upon completion of your pledge, you will receive a rare 1oz commemorative St Vitus coin
depending on your level of giving:
(Pledges are for five years)
Copper: $100/month for a total of $6,000
Nickel: $200/month for a total of $12,000
Silver: $500/month for a total of $30,000
Gold Plated: $1,000/month for a total of $60,000
Solid 24k gold: $10,000/month or any gift over $500,000

“I was talking to my mother in-law over the weekend, explaining what we found at St.Vitus, a small parish church with such few adornments, no AC, no heat, an outdoor tent with no pews, doors or walls;
“I told her we found a Mansion with many rooms and each one filled with treasures we had only heard of, never experienced and thought were taken away for good.
“We found The Mass of the Ages, both High and Low. We found undefiled Sacraments, prayers, devotions, indulgences, novenas, Gregorian Chants, incense (lots of incense), real exorcised holy water, salt, blessed beeswax candles, gorgeous chasubles that look like armor made for battle.
“We found Communion rails, veils, beautiful missals filled with prayers, feast days and indulgences enough to save any soul.
“We found, thank God, holy self sacrificing priests, who aren't afraid to deliver a homily on the devil.
“We found an army of altar servers, a choir that sounds like angels.
“We found faithful parishioners, true companions on our pilgrimage back to Our Father's arms.
“We found reverence, piety, quiet prayer, and adoration - until midnight.
“We found our precious Faith, like so many sleeping saints, perfectly incorrupt, and beautiful.
“In short, we found the True, the Good and the Beautiful. And we'll never settle for less.”
- A parishioner
Saint Vitus will graciously accept one time gifts!
However we ask you to consider making a monthly pledge for the next five years.
Pledge payments over time reflect how a church is built, not all at once, but stone by stone. Pledge payments reflect that aspect of a Builder.
Pledge payments help you, the donor. It helps to make smaller, manageable payments over time. Pledge payments give tax deductions for multiple years, and do not stress the finances of the family.
Pledge payments also help our parish. In the event that we need a loan to purchase a church, more pledges will help us secure a larger loan.
Please consider making a pledge!
Make A Pledge!

$3,070,593.02 RAISED
$1,000,000 ENHANCED GOAL
Called to Renew and the St Vitus Builders.
All the parishes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles are participating in a reinvigorating campaign to restore our churches and our Archdiocese.
This campaign is Called to Renew.
St Vitus Parish was originally assessed to raise $625,000 for this campaign. Half of that would go to the needs of the Archdiocese. (To be exact: $313,000.)
Everything over and above stays with St. Vitus Parish for the building fund.
Our benefactors have made phenomenal efforts in the Called to Renew Campaign and we have raised over $3,000,000 in pledges! We have also already received donations over and beyond $650,000. From here out, all payments toward existing pledges and all new pledges go directly to the building fund.
Donors to the Called to Renew Campaign will be recognized as "Builders" on the donor plaque in our future church, just as donors to the St Vitus Builders
Since we have exceeded the expectations of the Called to Renew Campaign, future donations and pledges are better made directly to the St. Vitus Builders which is being hosted on our GiveCentral online giving account. Donations and pleges given on both the St Vitus Builders and the Called to Renew all go to the same place - our future church.

How To Pledge
- Click on the Pledge Now Button. This will take you to the Builder's Campaign section of our GiveCentral account.
- Specify the total amount you would like to pledge over the next five years in the Pledge Amount.
- Select what frequency you would like to make payments.
- Specify how much you would like to pay with each installment in the Installment Amount.
There are examples in the Description of suggested total amounts and corresponding monthly payments over a five year period.
- May God bless you and reward you!
Establishing a church and parish in Los Angeles is not easy. It has required campaigns in the past and will probably require campaigns in the future. The last campaign that we completed was called the Founders Campaign.
Entering into our future church you will find a plaque dedicated to the Choirs of Angels with all our donors placed under the protection of the choirs based on their accumulative donations throughout the years until that point.
For those who participated in the Founders Campaign, a badge next to their name will denote that they are a Founder. For those who participate in this St Vitus Builders / Called to Renew Campaign, a badge denoting Builder will be placed next to their name. For those who participated in both, they will receive both badges.
Who is St Vitus?
St Vitus was a young son of a powerful Roman citizen who converted to the Catholic Faith. His father brought him to the governor to be tortured, then tried to entice him to sins of the flesh. Our Saint died a victorious martyr after giving great testimony to the Truth.
He is the patron of many good things, including actors, which is fitting for the Hollywood area.
Other Giving Options
If you would like to help us with our future church in some other way, for example giving land, or stock, pledging a serious commitment to prayer, remembering us in your inheritence, if you wish to give us a donation directly or any other ideas you may have, feel free to reach out to Fr Fryar at the email or phone number at the bottom of this page.